Tuesday, 21 October 2014

AFTER BY ANNA TODD?? | Discussion

Ok.. So today, After by Anna Todd is officially released. How do we feel about it ?
Let's Talk.

First of all, let me just put it out there that the fanficton is still available on Wattpad! Why the hell would I buy it, if it's on the internet for free? I'm pretty sure you're supposed to take it down but that ain't my business. I'm not the one losing money here...

I was going to leave this subject and not talk about it at all, actually. When everyone were going on and on like "#SuspendAnnaTodd" I didn't really care. I thought that she will change the names and she'll try to take out every evidence that it was a One Direction fanfiction... But apparently! She is very proud by that fact!
Let's take Fifty Shades of Gray for an example. I did not know that it was a Twilight fanfiction until the movie was really hyped up. In this case, the book wasn't even out, yet the whole world seems to know!

Let's all discuss some points that personally piss me off:

The Cover:

"There's only one direction" ...
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
You are fucking with me right?


However, that's only the UK cover, here's the USA (or international, I'm not pretty sure) cover:
Other than the fact that the cover sucks (from a regular reader's point of view), at least it doesn't say One Direction on it. (Let's hope it isn't written on the back of it)

The Names:

Robert Anderson x Christian Gray
Edward Collins x Christian Gray
Hmmmm... I'm pretty sure I can't find any similarities.


Harry Styles x Hardin Scott...

Hardin Fucking Scott.
"oh my god I can't tell at all! that's so creative!"...Is that supposed to be my impression?
Oh I can't wait to see what the other boys are called..

Niel Holand
Zed Mirror (lol carrot joke I'm sorry)
Leeroy Tollin
Leonardo Burn (get it? payne; pain ?.. I'm so done.)

Those are names I came up with if you haven't realized that yet..

The Movie:

The rights were taken by Paramount.

We must've really hyped it up because damn! the book isn't even out yet! (well today it is but you get the point)

Why the movie pisses me off? because I don't want people to become OK with those kind of movies. Like abuse is so natural and that it's only part of love... And don't bullshit me saying that it doesn't exist in the book because it does. Oh it does.
And you know what's the worst part of all of it? I didn't even see it.

Yes, I have read the novel obviously. As a Directioner, I believe we all came across it even if we haven't all read it entirely. But I have-I have read After. It was entertaining I guess. But out of all the fanfictions I've read -and I've read loads- it certainly was not the best.

The Author:

I am truly happy for Anna. I think life gave her a chance and she took it. If I was her I'd probably do the same thing.
However, I'd do it in a smart way. I'd learn about the community that I'm getting myself into.

Some interview questions:

"Does Harry Styles know that there's going to be a movie pretty much based on his life?"

"I have no idea if Harry knows, but Hardin Scott is only based on Harry’s looks and name. The two could not be more opposite when it comes to personality!"

But then..:

"If you could pick anyone to play Tessa and Hardin, who would it be?"

"Indiana Evans for Tessa, she was who I pictured the entire time while writing the character. For Hardin, I would choose Douglas Booth or Harry Styles (obviously)"


and you thought he'd be serious

 *gets over swooning to actually continue the post*

He totally looks like a bad boy right... not.

And the last thing that pisses me off is...

The Memories:

I'll be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy the fact that I've read After. It was so much fun to always come up with hashtags and making fun of the characters and talking about them on twitter.

Making fun of how Harry always had an extra shirt in his car. Making fun of him when he got jealous of Zayn. It was just something we had in common and we talked about it. It was almost part of being in the fandom.

After was our thing.Take our thing and give it to the outside world they'd make it into something ugly. Because we understand what we're reading and how different Harry actually is. But people are judgmental and just plain stupid.

This is like the "Crazy About One Direction documentary" all over again!

I have absolutely no desire to read the next books because let's be honest, talking about it isn't going to be as much fun as it was before.

I am done talking.

Tell me what you think in the comments! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

UPDATES (29/Oct/2014) :
 -I would like to brag for a second that I guessed Zayn's name in the novel right, IT IS ZED. I am so proud of myself.
- Apparently, everyone is saying that the Wattpad edition is way better than the new- may I add, edited- version. So, that was a fail xD
- I actually want to read the new one so I can see the difference. God help me on that quest..

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