Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Hopeless | Book Review

Title: Hopeless
Series: (Hopeless #1)
Author: Colleen Hoover
Genre: New Adult, Romance
Publication Date: December 19th 2012
Format: ebook

Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies…

That’s what seventeen-year-old Sky realizes after she meets Dean Holder. A guy with a reputation that rivals her own and an uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she’s never had before. He terrifies her and captivates her all in the span of just one encounter, and something about the way he makes her feel sparks buried memories from a past that she wishes could just stay buried.Sky struggles to keep him at a distance knowing he’s nothing but trouble, but Holder insists on learning everything about her. 

After finally caving to his unwavering pursuit, Sky soon finds that Holder isn’t at all who he’s been claiming to be. When the secrets he’s been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky’s life will change forever.

I didn't want to review Hopeless just because of how sad I am for not enjoying it as much as I do with other book by Colleen. But, I guess I'm doing it anyway...

I couldn't get into this book at all for almost 60% of it. The story pre-twist -Co Ho style- seemed very cheesy and to be honest... stupid. Holder and Sky literally meet by accident and suddenly they're obsessed with each other.
I guess I just couldn't handle romance when I was in the mood for fantasy so I guess it's my fault too.

This is probably the strongest plot of hers, (not counting Never Never because that shit killed me) but I didn't realize that I was so disconnected from the characters until I actually finished the book. 

Something that really blew me away is that I didn't... cry. This was probably the most sob-worthy story out of all of her books yet, I didn't cry, not even teared up.
Let me tell you something, I am a crybaby ok? Only in fiction life, though. Like, books, TV shows, movies and anime. I cried in In The Afterlight because Ruby was tired... She was just. tired. and I cried my ass off.

So I guess it's a pretty big deal I didn't cry in a book like Hopeless. But oh, well... 

I don't know if I even want to pick up Losing Hope. I know I will, but right now, I just don't feel like it.

I'm not saying I didn't like this book at all, I still loved Colleen's writing and the complexity of the whole situation but comparing it to her other work is just inevitable.

The Burning Sky | Book Review

Title: The Burning Sky
Series: (The Elemental Trilogy #1)
Author: Sherry Thomas
Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction (?)
Publication Date: September 15th 2013
Format: ebook

It all began with a ruined elixir and a bolt of lightning.

Iolanthe Seabourne is the greatest elemental mage of her generation—or so she's been told. The one prophesied for years to be the savior of The Realm. It is her duty and destiny to face and defeat the Bane, the most powerful tyrant and mage the world has ever known. This would be a suicide task for anyone, let alone a reluctant sixteen-year-old girl with no training.

Guided by his mother's visions and committed to avenging his family, Prince Titus has sworn to protect Iolanthe even as he prepares her for their battle with the Bane. But he makes the terrifying mistake of falling in love with the girl who should have been only a means to an end. Now, with the servants of the tyrant closing in, Titus must choose between his mission—and her life.

First of all, I must applaud whoever made this cover a thing because fucking hell, that's beautiful.

The Burning Sky is a two perspective novel -a current favorite of mine- surrounding a world that uses Elemental Mage. I wouldn't call this High fantasy, it's got more like a Harry Potter feel where there's the magical world but there's also our world (the non-mage world) where people live there lives, unaware of magic.

I went into this book not expecting much, but I did remember a review that said to read this book for its romance, not the action-y fantasy, so I did.

Now, I'll be completely honest, I was very confused almost all the first half of the book, the politics and the world were kind of complicated to grasp and quite frankly, all over the place. Not to mention the vocabulary was even difficult. I kept on going though, since I was still enjoying it with all the confusion.
I wasn't expecting to love this book as much as I did. It had a little bit of everything. Some people might think it's a bit boring and dragged out at places, but survival and hiding and all that sort of stuff really interests me and I thoroughly devoured it.

The characters were somewhat different than other characters I've read about, they were very interesting and I ended up loving our two main characters so much.

The first point of view is from Lolanthe, (wtf right?) but no worries, no one ever calls her that, Sherry Thomas sympathized with us there. For us, we'll call her Lola. Lola was very... polite at the start of the book. I was thrown off by the way her and Titus -the male protagonist- communicated. It was so weird and awkward.
But then, Lola takes a 180 degree spin and becomes this kickass chick that I loved. 

The other point of view is from Titus, Titus was kind of a mystery too. As much as I loved Lola, I couldn't help but love his perspective more. He thought differently than what he did, unlike Lola who was straight to the point. Throughout the chapter, I found myself waiting for Titus's POV. Also, he's Titus for God's sake.

The fantasy elements in this book, I found fascinating. Especially the Crucible (a thing you'll know about if you read the book). The magic system itself was pretty simple, the whole Elements controlling type of magic.

And last but definitely not least, the romance. It was pretty much non-existent but it was like- you know it's there. The characters were so proud to admit or do anything, my God. What I mostly love about the romance is that it felt like a partnership. They were in this together and they got each other's backs. 
I have a thing for male friendship, I just love the way guys communicate honorably and I just love it, and this romance felt like that. Which is kind of weird...

Overall, it was a very pleasant read and I'm very excited to read the sequel. 

Thursday, 22 January 2015

The Final Empire | Book Review

Title: The Final Empire
Series: (Mistborn #1)
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Genre: High Fantasy
Publication Date: October 1st 2009
Format: Paperback

In a world where ash falls from the sky, and mist dominates the night, an evil cloaks the land and stifles all life. The future of the empire rests on the shoulders of a troublemaker and his young apprentice. Together, can they fill the world with colour once more?

In Brandon Sanderson's intriguing tale of love, loss, despair and hope, a new kind of magic enters the stage - Allomancy, a magic of the metals.

I've always wanted to read this book- or any Brandon Sanderson book, for that matter. But, I have to say I was pretty intimated. Don't get me wrong, I'm used to High Fantasy but not Adult High Fantasy, so I've put up reading this book for a while.

My dad was traveling and told us to sent him a list of things we wanted, and naturally, I wanted a book.. 3 books. 

He got me the entire UK edition paperback box set, which might be the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever laid on. 

Let's talk about the actual book shall we:

Everything begins with The Final Empire, which is what the entire world is called being ruled by an immortal "God" or more precisely, The Lord Ruler. The society is split into two main ranks, the skaa and the noblemen.
 The skaa are treated like slaves and they decide that enough is freaking enough. The skaa might have the enthusiasm -not all of them, though- they don't have the power to overthrow such powerful empire.

Our first main character is Kelsier. Kelsier is a legendary cunning theif, who decided to dedicate himself for the skaa case. Money is included, of course.

I found Kelsier to be completely refreshing. He made such shitty situations into a step-forward. I loved Kelsier, even though I found him to be a little bit wierd, and scary sometimes. He still was freaking awesome, since he's an Allomancer.

Oh, did I mention Allomancy? 
I won't go into details for the magic system since finding out about it yourself would be much more fun. Basically, they burn metals to produce powers (fucking cool, right?)

The other main character is Vin. Vin is a simple street urchin who gets sucked up into Kelsier's mess. Vin is one of the best female characters I've ever read about! She's so closed-off and distrusting and it was so much fun to see her open up to the rest of the crew.

All of the characters in this book were important, I feel as if everyone has a purpose to be. 

Let's talk world-building. 
HOLY SHIT. I love it. It felt like Brandon Sanderson was painting a world slowly for me from center to edge, splashing on the canvas as we go. It's insane how a complex world and a magic system like this, I can recite for you in a blink. 
Did not expect it to be this easy to read, truly. 

 The pacing of the book was perfect for me, some people might not say the same but I thought we need a thorough detailed description of... everything.

Overall, I found the story to be very interesting and the characters extremely compelling and this book put me into a huge fantasy kick that I need to mend, like, now.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Top 7 Most Anticipated Books of 2015 | Listopia

Another Year is here to bring us more fantastic books to read!

Today I'm bringing you my top 7 most anticipated books of 2015!!
Even though I have like 40 something books I'm anticipating... I'll probably make a Goodreads shelf of all of them so stay tuned for that!

Listopia begins!

Invaded (Alienated #2)


The sequel to Alienated! I just really can't wait for this after what happened in the first book.. Damn, that cover...


No cover for this one yet unfortunately, but Leigh Bardugo?
Yes Please.
Grisha World?
Gimme now.This book is the first book in a spin-off series for The Grisha trilogy, which is one of my favorite trilogies ever.

A Court of Thorns and Roses

Dat cover tho.
Whatever Sarah J. Maas writes, I'll read. And with a badass synopsis like that... My body is more than ready for this book... I NEED IT.

Miss Mayhem (Rebel Belle #2)


I wish they kept the original style of the covers but oh well.
As Rebel Belle was one of my favorite books of the year, obviously this is one of the most anticipated. I seriously cannot wait for this book.
How cool are this series' titles? They all sound awesome.


The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy #2)

If they just kept the title all over the cover... *le sigh*
I am dying to read this book. Dying. I can't cope with life anymore. Please give it to me.
That torturous ending... I've been weeping ever since.



Colleen is an auto-read and an auto-love now... I have no idea what this book is about but I couldn't have cared less. Give me now.



TOP 14 BOOKS OF 2014 | Listopia

Somehow, it is January of 2015...
I hated the second half of 2014 with a passion so I'm more than welcoming, but! 2014 was definitely a fantastic reading year!

I've read 64 books in total, which is incredible considering how little time I actually had to read so I'm quite happy. And since it's my first serious reading year I've read some amazing, wonderful books and I can't wait to share my favorites with you!

I tried to put these in order but honestly the top 7 can change a lot so just so you know:
Let's roll.

                        We Were Liars

Author: E. Lockhart
Genre : Contemporary
Date Released : May 13th 2014
Date Read : June 20th 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars
Review Quote : "I'm scared. I'm terrified. But somehow, I can't regret any of it.."

I don't like talking about this book so we shall move on...

                           City Of Glass

Author: Cassandra Clare
Genre : Urban Fantasy
Date Released : January 1st 2009
Date Read : June 9th 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars

My Least favorite book of 2014 was City of bones, I hated that book with a burning passion but the ending was sort of intriguing so I decided I should torture myself more. City of Ashes was ok, still annoying but a hundred times better than the first one. Then, this beauty happened. 
This book was epic. It didn't focus on Clary which trust me, I LOVED. And the whole thing was really entertaining and enjoyable.
I truly wish the series ended there because I'm not too enthusiastic to pick up the next books in the series. 

               The Fault In Our Stars 

Author: John Green
Genre : Contemporary
Date Released : January 10th 2012
Date Read : February 2014 *didn't have goodreads*
Rating : 5/5 Stars
Review Quote : I was dead so no quote.

I mean come on... I'm surprised this is not higher on the list though.

         The Retribution Of Mara Dyer

Author: Michelle Hodkin 
Genre : Paranormalish Mystery (?)
Date Released : November 4th 2014
Date Read : November 12th 2014
Rating : 4.5/5 Stars

Review Quote : Um, I wrote a review on this blog so go see that.

As I said in my review, I think the second book in the series is a better book but I enjoyed this one more for some reason or another. I'm weird.


Author: Melissa Landers
Genre : Sci-Fi Romance
Date Released : February 4th 2014
Date Read : May 6th 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars

Review Quote : "I haven't really expected it to be more than an alien romance book but WOW, it is MUCH MORE than that !!"

You can tell I was very excited writing my Goodreads review because damn that thing is capitalized like no tomorrow. I can't say enough good things about this book honestly I just love it so much.

                        Rebel Belle

Author: Rachel Hawkins
Genre : Urban Fantasy
Date Released : April 8th 2014
Date Read : May 3rd 2014 (?)
Rating : 5/5 Stars

Review Quote : I don't why I didn't write anything but I didn't

Rebel Belle was a very pleasant surprise, I absolutely adored it and I cannot wait for the second book! I wish I put it higher on the list though.


Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Genre : Sci-Fi Romance
Date Released : December 11th 2012
Date Read : August 17th 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars

Review Quote : "I'M DEAD"

I just loved this book to pieces and I love this series and the ending of this is what the series seriously needed and I loved it a lot. Did I mention that I love this book? Well, I love it.


Author: Colleen Hoover
Genre : New Adult Romance
Date Released : January 5th 2012
Date Read : July 15th 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars

Review Quote : "Wow is all I have to say
Also it's booktube-a-thon so there's not enough time anyway"

Colleen Hoover has easily become one of my favorite authors if not my favorite. I just love everything. Do you hear me? Everything.

                    The Book Of Ivy

Author: Amy Engel 
Genre : Dystopia, Romance
Date Released : November 11th 2014 
Date Read : December 11th 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars

Review Quote : "Oh my."

 This book though. This book. Just read it.

              The Winner's Curse

Author: Marie Rutkoski
Genre : Fantasy, Historical Fiction Romance
Date Released : March 4th 2014
Date Read : November 26th 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars


Man, this book was a bucket of surprises. First of all, I couldn't see the romance working at all. I actually thought she might change the love interest in future books, but NO. This was a beautifully written book with slow burn romance and complex politics.

                 Crown Of Midnight  

Author: Sarah J. Maas
Genre : High Fantasy 
Date Released : August 27th 2013
Date Read : November 1st 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars

Review Quote : "PERFECTION."

Chaol Westfall.


Author: Rainbow Rowell
Genre : Contemporary
Date Released : September 10th 2013
Date Read : March 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars
Review Quote : None, Speechless basically.

This book is my life. I don't know if it is my favorite from Rainbow Rowell but It was my first novel I read from her so I put this one. It just has a very special place in my heart and I adore it.
Also, Levi.

                        Never Fade 

Author: Alexandra Bracken
Genre : Sci-Fi, Dystopia
Date Released : October 15th 2013
Date Read : October 10th 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars

Review Quote : "I refuse to even talk to anyone until In The Afterlight is in my hands thank you very much. Also, Alexandra Bracken... Please stop giving me panic attacks, please and thank you"

Everything was perfect, enough said.



                    Ruin & Rising

Author: Leigh Bardugo
Genre : High Fantasy
Date Released : June 17th 2014
Date Read : August 3rd 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars

Review Quote : "I loved the developed relationships between all the characters in this book, all of them were very dear to me, very close to my heart. I cried so many times and I'm crying at this very moment because an amazing trilogy just ended, also the ending of the actual book (not the After section) killed me and just sliced my heart into two pieces."

Talking about this book hurts me. This book put me into a two month reading slump...


WAIT. There's an another #1 !!



Author: Veronica Roth 
Genre : Dystopia
Date Released : February 28th 2012
Date Read : March 2014
Rating : 5/5 Stars

Review Quote : None.

With favorites here I meant the whole series. The Divergent trilogy is my favorite trilogy so far because it's so dear to my heart and I have an emotional attachment to the whole series and that's why it's on #1.

That actually took forever.
Let's all hope for a great year in 2015!!

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